How to Buy a Domain Name That Is Taken: A Complete Guide

How to Buy a Domain Name That Is Taken: A Complete Guide

Cliff Bregman
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Have you ever found the perfect domain name for your website, only to discover it’s already taken? This common frustration affects many business owners and entrepreneurs looking to establish their online presence. Understanding how to buy a domain name that is taken can be challenging, but with the right approach, it’s possible to acquire your desired web address and set your digital venture on the path to success.

In this guide, we’ll explore how to buy a domain name that is taken by discussing effective strategies such as contacting the current owner, using domain brokers, and participating in domain auctions. We’ll also provide alternatives if acquiring the exact domain isn't feasible, such as choosing similar names or different domain extensions. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to buy a domain name that is taken or find suitable alternatives to move forward with your online project.

Understanding Domain Name Ownership

What is a Domain Name?

A domain name is a unique identifier for a website on the internet. It is the address users type into their web browsers to access a specific site. Domain names are easier to remember than numerical IP addresses, making it simpler for visitors to find websites. For example, is much easier to remember than a string of numbers like

When learning how to buy a domain name that is taken, it’s important to understand the concept of domain ownership. Domain names are rented, not purchased outright, meaning they are registered for a specific period (usually between one and ten years) through a registrar. The domain owner retains the registration rights for that period and must renew the domain to maintain ownership.

How Domain Registration Works

Domain registration involves reserving a domain name for a specific period. When someone registers a domain name, they go through a domain registrar, an authorised entity that manages the registration of domain names. During the registration process, you’ll check the availability of the desired name, select it if it’s available, and pay a fee to reserve it for your chosen term.

When considering how to buy a domain name that is taken, the process differs from regular registration, as you’re essentially seeking to transfer ownership from the current holder to yourself. This can involve negotiating directly with the domain owner or going through a domain broker or marketplace.

The Concept of 'Buying' vs 'Registering'

While we often talk about "buying" a domain name, the correct term is "registering" because domain names are not purchased outright. When you register a domain, you're leasing it for a specified period. If you fail to renew the registration, the domain becomes available for others to register. This distinction is essential when considering how to buy a domain name that is taken, as you’re looking to acquire the registration rights from the current owner.

At Brandzilla, we specialise in helping you buy domains that are already registered, rather than facilitating new registrations. Our marketplace is comprised of thousands of domain names that are owned by a large number of existing domain registrants who are interested in selling their domain license at an accepted price. 

Strategies for Acquiring a Taken Domain Name

If you’re trying to figure out how to buy a domain name that is taken, here are some of the most effective strategies:

1. Contacting the Current Owner

One of the most straightforward approaches when considering how to buy a domain name that is taken is to contact the current owner directly. You can perform a WHOIS lookup to retrieve the contact details of the domain's owner. 

When reaching out, be professional and polite. Explain your interest in the domain and offer a fair price. Often, owners may be willing to sell if the offer is appealing enough. Be prepared to negotiate, as the value of a domain can vary depending on its relevance, keywords, and popularity.

2. Using a Domain Broker

If direct communication isn’t yielding results or you’re unsure how to negotiate, using a domain broker can be a valuable option. Domain brokers specialise in acquiring domain names that are already registered. They work on your behalf to contact the current owner and negotiate a sale. This approach is particularly beneficial for high-value or hard-to-reach domains.

Many brokers have industry connections and a solid understanding of how to buy a domain name that is taken, making them well-suited to handle the acquisition process. While there is typically a fee for these services, the time and effort saved may be worth the cost.

Brandzilla is passionate about the art of domain name acquisition and has many connections in the industry. Further details on our domain acquisition services can be found here.

3. Monitoring Domain Expiration

Another strategy for figuring out how to buy a domain name that is taken is to monitor its expiration date. Domain registrations must be renewed periodically, and if the current owner fails to renew, the domain will eventually become available for registration again.

You can take advantage of dropcatching services, such as Drop’s daily domain drop auction, to secure domain names that have recently expired and are no longer renewed by their previous owners. These services monitor domains that are about to become available and attempt to register them the moment they are released back into the market. Drop's auction platform allows you to bid on these high-value, recently expired domains, giving you the opportunity to acquire a domain that might have been unavailable before. By using dropcatching services, you can increase your chances of obtaining a premium domain name at a competitive price, particularly if you’re looking to purchase a domain that was previously owned but is now up for grabs.

Alternatives to Buying a Taken Domain

If buying a domain name is too complicated or expensive, several alternatives exist.

1. Choose a Variation of the Desired Name

If your first choice for a domain name is unavailable, consider modifying it slightly. This could mean adding relevant words or rearranging the order of the terms. For example, if is unavailable, you might try or This keeps the essence of your brand intact while providing a unique and available domain. It's important to note, though, that the longer the domain name gets and the more words that are added, the harder it becomes for users to remember and type correctly. Long domain names can also appear less professional and may negatively impact your brand's credibility. Additionally, longer names are more prone to typos, which can result in missed traffic or customers landing on the wrong site. For these reasons, it’s always best to keep your domain name concise, memorable, and easy to spell.

2. Explore Different Domain Extensions

While is the preferred choice in Australia and .com is the global leader, many other extensions may be available for your preferred name. Extensions such as .au, .org, .io, etc. can offer suitable alternatives when your desired domain is taken. 

Use Creative Alternatives

Instead of simply rearranging or adding to your desired domain name, you can opt for more creative alternatives that still reflect your brand’s identity. For instance, abbreviations, acronyms, or completely rethinking the brand angle can offer an innovative approach to securing a memorable and available domain name. This method allows for more flexibility and uniqueness, potentially leading to greater brand recognition.


Navigating how to buy a domain name that is taken can be challenging, but with the right strategies and persistence, you can often secure the domain you want. Whether you choose to contact the current owner directly, work with a domain broker, or monitor domain expiration, there are multiple approaches you can take to acquire a registered domain.

Alternatively, consider using similar domain names or different extensions to maintain your brand’s identity without paying premium prices for a registered domain. Brandzilla can help facilitate the buying process, especially for premium domains that are already registered, ensuring a smooth and secure transaction. By using these strategies, you’ll be better equipped to secure the perfect domain name for your online presence.

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